Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Karen Tran Florals

I can not believe what I am seeing. This is what my heaven looks like, pretty much. Sarah Bernhardt peonies play the star in these centerpieces. Their abundant petals lend well to my love for all things lush and feminine. Beautifully photographed by Terri Ripee

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The prettiest of Pretties


Carine Gilson

☆ my best friend people say...

Brenda looks like chloƫ sevigny. She is so far prettier it like, such a strange comparison to me. but like as I am sitting here saying it I see the face shape... whoa I like, see if for a minute. BUT Regardless, I will say chloƫ sevigny is particularly beautifuller (!) than usual in this ad campaign.


gloss type things

For some reason I love gloss, the clear part of gloss. So like, Lucite, Acrylic, Lexan, Crystal, Opal, Lube - I like all of it. Check out these cool clear glossy things I wish I had. This first one is from Questo European Modern Designs makes chairs and tables from a polycarbonate which is apparently indestructible. Pretty cool.

Draped clear lucite plexiglass table

The Moody Aquarium Sink from Italbrass is not only a simple sink, but also an aquarium for goldfish, a Zen garden or a simple pebble river bed or whatever you can imagine. As an aquarium, it is completely watertight with a sand bed for fish, and it provides the necessary lighting for maintaining healthy fish.
Acrylic  Aquarium Sink

pink lucite table leg modules.

Illuminated Lucite cubes from kool,
pretty earrings